Welcome to Club Penguin Rockers! we are still under construction, with no posts about club penguin right now. But we are working on it! Feel free to read the other posts, though!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Popsicle joke of the day

Popsicle joke of the day:
DId you hear about the dog who went to the flea circus?
He stole the show

(From an actual popsicle stick. I did not make this up. Please do not sue me, but I do not know where the box is so I can't give you credit. I am only 12!)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Monkey! and new stuff!

I thought this was cute! You might have seen it before.

This picture is great, right? so I have decided to do this maybe, once, twice a week. I will post a funny picture! And if anyone visits here, they can make something up to go along with it in a story in the comments. But I doubt anyone will. But still. I will start. You will do one or two sentences to make a funny story. Only write a little, and don't take too many turns. You can't go twice in a row. At the next post, I will put the finished story!
Also, sometimes I will make a rule to go along with the story. So for this one...

All your sentence's last words have to rhyme with the word glasses!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Update on fixing

I'm going to put up temporary widgets, as well as other stuff.

My cats:

The brown and tan patched smaller one is Muddy. She is a girl (we think) and was a stray but now lives in our garage. She is soooooo sweet! The dark gray, larger cat is Bunny, but we call him kittoo. He is not always nice and is not as sweet as Muddy, but is a good cat and a goofball. He is mean to Muddy a little, but they get along fine.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


I'm going to put up the unofficial version of my website while I work on the official one. The official one will be better. And then, I will start doing cheats. Since I started middle school, it's hard to even play, but i will try really hard and possibly get help.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

funny pictures

cute mouse! or is it a hamster... now THAT is a good question.

good thing this mouse wore a safety helmet... i wish him luck
I've seen this before, but it never fails to make me laugh!
It's like my cat. He drank from my fish's bowl once.
This picture is in my doctor's office. Cute, right?
I wonder what they're singing? maybe op rah!
I hope he isn't killer! But if he wasn't, then he might be killer's food! (get it?)

Picture of balloon (?)

reminds me of something... maybe the sonic?