Welcome to Club Penguin Rockers! we are still under construction, with no posts about club penguin right now. But we are working on it! Feel free to read the other posts, though!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Hello, again. Also, a beginning and an ending.

I went on the club penguin tag on tumblr and oh my god I am so glad that the friends I made on that website 5 years ago were a heck of a lot nicer than the stuff I saw. They were all lovely. Or all stalkers, I guess I can't be sure. I'm 15 now and I haven't played since I was 11, but I do log on from time to time, and I remember and miss the people I made friends with and interacted with through this website, and I'm just really glad we didn't use tumblr because oh god we could have been scarred so bad.

That is all. Tutso no longer plays club penguin. Sadly, my friends and I grew up, and didn't stay in touch.

But if any of you guys see this (though no one follows this blog, so they probably won't) comment or something. I'd love to hear from you again. Maybe. Goodness knows if I was actually talking to children, or really creepy adults. We're all grown up now, it's crazy! I bet our blogs haven't been updated since I was in elementary school. This used to be my life, it's weird to think about it now.

I don't check my old email account, so don't bother with it. Comment here. Also, meebo shut down, so that stinks, we can't talk through that. Though I think I saved some of our chats somewhere.  You guys were from all over the world, it was cool.

Man, I hope I didn't make any friends with killers and stalkers or something.

I miss you guys. We had some fun times.

Sorry for being annoying then. I was like, nine.

Tutso, out.

I'll check the comments soon, but I wouldn't expect more posts or anything. I don't play CP anymore.

I do have a tumblr though:


This is super long for something no one will ever see. But I felt the need to write this. Closure, or something.

It's been almost 4 years since I stopped playing. Geez.


PS. This is sooo different and fancy compared to the blogger I know. I literally have not logged into this in years.

Good memories, but far in the past.

Pinkiwinki? h2omantine? I've forgotten all of your usernames. Oh, dear.